Madison Bird Removal | Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control skip to main content



Assess and Remove

The first step in resolving a nuisance bird issue is a thorough understanding of the exact nature of the problem. Our customized removal plans take into account the species of bird involved, the affected areas of the home and the time of year.

clear and clean

Clear and Clean

Birds can be messy, their nesting material and droppings can cause home damage and result in unsanitary conditions. As part of the process our trained technicians will remove nests from vents, soffits and balconies and safely scrub away unhealthy droppings.


Prevent and Protect

Our prevention plans are customized to address the specific bird threats your home faces. Our technicians are trained to install protective barriers and devices designed to make your home inhospitable to birds.


pigeon RSI roof soffit intersection nest pigeons birds skedaddle humane wildlife control September 2023 (3)

Madison, a bustling city bursting with life, is not just a haven for its human inhabitants but also a thriving habitat for various bird species. While these animals add beauty and liveliness to the city, their nesting and roosting in residential or commercial areas can sometimes lead to conflicts. Issues like property damage, health risks from droppings, and noise can disrupt the harmony between humans and birds.

Recognizing the need for a balanced coexistence, Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control introduces its services for bird removal in Madison. Our approach prioritizes the safety and well-being of the birds and the people living in the city. Instead of resorting to harsh or harmful methods, Skedaddle employs humane and effective strategies to manage challenges. Our services are designed not only to address the immediate concerns of property owners but also to ensure the preservation and respect of the local bird population.

This webpage serves as a comprehensive guide, offering insights into why humane removal is essential and how Skedaddle can assist in achieving peaceful coexistence between humans and birds.

Life In Madison

Madison is a unique blend of urban developments and natural landscapes, making it an ideal place for nature enthusiasts. The city is nestled between two sparkling lakes, Mendota and Monona, which are not only scenic but offer a plethora of recreational activities such as kayaking, fishing, and ice skating during the winter months.

The extensive network of bike trails and footpaths connecting the city’s parks and green spaces encourages residents and visitors alike to explore the outdoors. One can’t miss the Arboretum, a sprawling 1,200-acre natural preserve, which acts as a living museum dedicated to the conservation of ecological communities like wetlands, forests, prairies, and savannas. It’s a sanctuary for hiking, bird-watching, and simply immersing oneself in tranquility.

Beyond its natural allure, the city fosters a vibrant community that celebrates sustainability and conservation. Local farmers’ markets flourish, with the most notable one encircling the State Capitol, showcasing the region’s commitment to sustainable agriculture and local produce. This emphasis on environmental stewardship resonates through the city’s efforts in maintaining green spaces and promoting wildlife conservation, reflecting a profound respect for nature.

Culturally, the city boasts an array of festivals and events that underscore its appreciation for the arts and the environment. From the renowned Monona Terrace, conceptualized by Frank Lloyd Wright to offer breathtaking views of the surrounding waters, to the eclectic neighborhood of Willy Street known for its bohemian vibes and eco-friendly businesses, the city is a tapestry of experiences waiting to be discovered.

This balance of urban life and natural beauty makes it a fascinating place to live, work, and play, fostering a community that cherishes its environmental resources while celebrating the vibrancy of city life.

How To Get Rid Of Birds

Birds, while a beautiful and vital part of our ecosystems, can become problems when their nesting and foraging behaviors clash with human habitats. Common issues arising from these interactions include structural damage from nests built in chimneys, vents, and eaves, as well as the accumulation of droppings, which can pose serious health risks. The acidity in droppings can erode building materials, leading to costly repairs, and their presence can attract other pests, further exacerbating the problem. Additionally, certain species are known to be aggressively protective of their nests, posing a risk to residents and customers in commercial settings.

Understanding these challenges is essential for both home and business owners, highlighting the importance of effective wildlife removal in Madison. To prevent these issues, it’s crucial to adopt a proactive approach towards bird management. Here are several strategies to discourage them from nesting on your property:

Install Physical Deterrents: Objects like spike strips or netting can discourage these animals from landing or nesting on ledges and roofs.

Use Visual Scare Tactics: Reflective tape, predator decoys, or reflective balls can scare birds away without harming them.

Secure Trash and Food Sources: Ensure garbage is properly sealed and outdoor eating areas are cleaned promptly to not attract these animals with food leftovers.

Maintain Vegetation: Trim trees and shrubs regularly to remove potential nesting sites.

Seek Professional Help: For persistent problems, contacting a professional service that specializes in humane bird control can offer long-term solutions without harming wildlife.

These strategies, combined with a respectful approach to the native bird population, can help mitigate the risks associated with these animals in urban areas. It’s about finding a balance that allows humans and birds to coexist peacefully, preserving the natural beauty and wildlife diversity that Madison is known for.

The Skedaddle Approach to Humane Bird Removal

At Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control, the process of removing birds begins with a comprehensive property inspection. Our trained professionals assess the situation thoroughly to understand the species involved, the extent of the infestation, and the damage caused. This initial step is crucial in devising a removal strategy that is not only effective but also respects natural behaviors and safety.

Following the assessment, Skedaddle implements customized exclusion techniques designed to gently encourage these animals to vacate their current nesting sites without causing them stress or harm. For example, by securing entry points and potential nesting areas with bird-proof materials, we ensure that they are directed away from the property in a manner that pushes them to find alternative, natural habitats. This method prevents future nesting in those areas without disrupting the animals’ well-being.

In addition to physical exclusion methods, Skedaddle professionals may also employ auditory or visual deterrents that disturb the animals just enough to discourage them from remaining in the area but not enough to cause them distress. These deterrents are selected based on the specific species and the environment to ensure they are effective and humane.

An essential part of our humane removal process involves habitat modification. This includes advising property owners on practices such as securing garbage, eliminating food sources, and altering landscaping to make the area less attractive. Such guidance helps to maintain a long-term solution that prevents re-infestation, ensuring a harmonious coexistence between humans and birds.

Lastly, Skedaddle focuses on cleaning and repairing the damage caused. Our team safely removes nests and droppings following health and safety guidelines, addressing any potential health risks. Additionally, we repair any structural damage caused by the birds, restoring the property to its original condition. This comprehensive approach ensures that once the animals are humanely removed, the risks they posed are mitigated, leaving property owners with a safe and peaceful environment.

Need Wildlife Control In Madison? Reach Out To Skedaddle Today

Living harmoniously with wildlife while protecting your property requires a careful, considered approach. Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control offers effective, humane solutions for bird and wildlife removal in Madison, ensuring the safety of both humans and animals. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to resolving wildlife conflicts with innovative, non-invasive methods that respect our natural world.

If you’re experiencing issues with birds or any other wildlife, don’t wait for the problem to escalate. Contact Skedaddle today, and take the first step towards a peaceful, wildlife-free home or business. Together, we can find a solution that works for everyone.

bird in hand


Bird Facts


Starlings can mimic human speech and sounds from their environment, similar to parrots but are often seen in larger flocks.


House Sparrows are not originally from North America; they were brought here in the 1850s and are now found everywhere.


Pigeons, used as messengers during wars, have an incredible homing ability, and find their way back over long distances.


Crows are among the most intelligent birds; they can use tools, solve complex problems, and remember human faces for years.


The American Robin is known for its bright orange belly and melodious song. They are among the first birds to start singing at dawn. They have a varied diet that includes insects, fruits, and berries.


How Do Birds Choose Where To Nest?

It can be a bit of a mystery as to why birds choose to build a nest where they do ...
