How To Recognize a Burrow
It can be hard to tell the difference between the signs of one animal or another. When you are trying to determine what animal is on your property, it is better to wait for wildlife removal technicians to tell you what they caught than risk getting too close and causing the animal to feel the need to defend itself. However, there are a few easily recognizable features of a skunk home that announce your new striped neighbor.Size and Location
A burrow entrance will be approximately eight inches wide and deep enough that you will not be able to see all the way into the nest, especially since you ought to keep a safe distance from any wildlife den. A skunk often likes to dig its home under an object that it considers sound and protective. In nature, this means it is on the lookout for a fallen log, a large rock, or another similar structure. In your yard, however, this unfortunately often means it is likely to dig a hole that undermines the foundation of your home, patio, deck, or other outdoor structure.