Introducing the Immediate Family of Raccoons
Like others in the animal kingdom, raccoons have what you can call an immediate family as well as an extended one. The immediate family are those who belong to the same animal family as the raccoons or procyonid lotor. The immediate family of raccoons fall in a category known as procyonid. In this group, you’ll find coati’, ringtails, olingos, cacomistles, and kinkajous. Procyonids share some characteristics and habits, but each subspecies has its own unique features. A feature they all share is that they are all tree-climbing mammals. In the family of procyonids, the ring-tailed cats would probably be the closest thing to a sibling (maybe half-sibling?) to the raccoon. Like raccoons Kinkajous, ringtails, olingos, and cacomistles hunt for food at night, being nocturnal animals. The Kinkajou’s feet have incredible grasping powers making them almost as dexterous as those of the raccoon. Discovered in 2013, Olinguitos, the smallest of the raccoon family, are tree dwellers that resemble common raccoons with their dense furry coat and small round faces.Let’s Meet The Raccoon’s Extended Family