You can’t resolve a mouse problem if you don’t know how they’re getting in. We begin with a thorough 50 point inspection of your home’s exterior and interior to identify all mouse entry points. We then remove the mice using expertly installed one-way doors that allow the mice to leave for food but prevent them from getting back in.
Mice are messy, leaving droppings and urine behind wherever they go. Skedaddle offers cleaning and sanitizing services to safely remove harmful mouse droppings and contaminated building materials to return your home to a liveable state.
The results from our initial home inspection will provide us with a full understanding of what areas of your home needs to be sealed against future mice infestations. Our wildlife technicians will use professional grade wildlife exclusion materials to prevent any possible re-entry and keep mice out.
Mice are intelligent and industrious rodents that play an essential role in our ecosystem’s food chain. Next to humans, they are the most populous animals in urban areas. This leads to problems when populations get out of control. They are considered troublesome pests because of the damage they cause and the transmission of diseases and viruses. It’s important to seek professional mice removal in Montreal when these rodents invade your home.
House mice don’t care for cold weather. Mice do not hibernate, so they spend the months before winter arrives gathering food. This is why you are more likely to have an infestation during colder months because homes are ample sources of warmth and additional food when supplies run low. Attics are great living spaces because mice are protected against predators and weather. They use stored items, such as clothing, blankets and papers or most any materials to make their nests. They do a lot of damage in a short time chewing through the wood, wiring and insulation throughout a home.
Mice are highly productive breeders. A female gets pregnant five to ten times per year and has as many as three to fourteen pups, so infestation issues get out of control fast. Many mice mean a lot of urine and droppings around your home. This can pose a health risk for humans due to the spread of bacteria and contamination of food sources. It is important to get assistance from the wildlife control specials if you have a mice problem in your home. Skedaddle will use effective removal and exclusion techniques to eliminate intrusions and invasions while protecting the animals and their families. We will clean up areas where infestations have occurred.
Mice are the modern-day explorers. They never tire of new adventures, and a home provides a big landscape of discovery. They spend many hours searching for new places to nest and finding food sources. This is why you find their droppings all over your home when there is an infestation. They have everything they need in the attic, walls, rooms, basement and cupboards of a house. When a few mice are present, you can bet there are more to be found.
Mice don’t like the cold. They appreciate a warm dwelling like other mammals, and a house is a great place to seek shelter and store food.
Mice have an amazing sense of smell. They rely on scents to keep track of predators, which makes up for their weak eyesight. Mice see best in dim light.
All mice have supersonic hearing capabilities. They hear much better than humans. Their hearing is so sensitive, they use ultrasound to communicate with each other.
As part of the rodent family, mice have teeth that never stop growing throughout their lifetimes. They wear their teeth down by consistently chewing objects.
Mice are amazing jumpers and climbers. These skills allow them to easily move about in different environments.
The best way to prevent mice from entering your home is to seal entry points. Mice are clever and determined animals, so they keep reentering your home unless proper exclusion techniques are used.
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