What to Do When a Skunk Sprays Your Cat?
Many people do not realize that skunks are a natural form of rodent and insect control. Therefore, while you may not want the animal living near your home, it is often best to find a way to coexist in harmony, and experts in wildlife control in Newmarket will usually agree.
However, there is a point when skunks themselves can become a nuisance or threat to your animals, and that is primarily when they begin using your yard as a home or a common pathway. When skunks become too accustomed to an area, your pets may become victims to the animal's notorious defense mechanism: its spray.
While a pet parent never wants to expose their animal to such an odorous assault, dogs typically fare better than cats. Dogs do not mind baths and are usually pretty manageable even under duress. Cats, on the other hand, tend to panic. How do you handle a cat that a skunk sprays? In a word, carefully. Still, you need to know how spray can affect your pet and the best way to remove the overwhelming odour while limiting exposure to the rest of your property.