While some homeowners do not like birds near their houses because of nests and droppings, many others love the sounds and sites of the colourful feathery creatures. Bird removal in Oakville is an effective solution for homeowners that want to discourage larger avian populations around their properties, but how can those homeowners that love birds encourage more activity in their yards?
3 Safe Ways to Attract and Enjoy Birds According to Bird Removal in Oakville
There is nothing wrong with wanting to encourage bird activity in your yard. Birds add a fair bit of ambiance to summer mornings and evenings. That said, you want to learn how to keep birds away from the structure of your home. If birds nest on the eaves or find ways inside your attic, they can damage your house. If you want to encourage bird activity, there are safe ways to do it, ways they motivate birds to maintain a safe distance from your home. Discover three ways to enjoy birds on your property from a distance.
1. Invest in Bird Baths
All living things need water to survive, but birds also love to use water for bathing, which is entertaining. To encourage bird activity in your yard, invest in several bird baths and install them at the back of your property. Bird baths should be elevated to limit the risks of predators and heavy to prevent storm damage or loss. Also, remember to change out the water often and clean the baths to avoid bacteria and insects. A fountain might be a better bath alternative if you have adequate power.
2. Install Bird Feeders
If you want to offer everything a bird needs, you can also install several bird feeders. Dedicate each feeder to a specific bird species to encourage a diverse visiting population. As with the baths, you should install feeders near the back of the property, away from the house.
Also, use feeders with feed catchers to prevent too much seed from falling to the ground. Installing the feeders in an area that is easy to keep clean is best. You want to continuously pick up loose seeds to prevent encouraging other wildlife, such as mice, rats, and squirrels.
3. Install Nest Platforms and Boxes
To create an avian sanctuary, you can also install platforms, perches, and nesting boxes. If birds have everything they need in a safe area, they will probably use these available spaces to build homes and lay eggs. The more you invest and install into the bird area, the more maintenance and upkeep it will require. Only install what you can effectively manage, and if populations get out of hand, contact bird removal in Oakville.
The Risk of Attracting Birds to Your Property
While you may not want to know how to get rid of birds, you must understand the risks of encouraging birds to feed and nest on your property. Birds attract other wildlife to your yard, such as squirrels, rats, and mice. If proper precautions are not taken, you can end up with a wildlife infestation that requires professional assessment and control.
You might want to consider investing in other hobbies with fewer risks to your home. For example, purchase equipment to take up bird watching and visit local parks and sanctuaries instead of attracting birds to your property.
Hire Bird Removal in Oakville
Birds are beautiful creatures, adding much to a property’s scenery and atmosphere. That said, their presence can attract other wildlife, such as squirrels, mice, and rats. If you want to encourage bird activity, you can install baths, feeders, and nesting sights, but make sure these objects are at the backend of the property, away from your house. Also, if birds get too familiar with your home, contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control for bird removal in Oakville.