Every homeowner must contend with the risk of a house mouse infestation. Mice populate Okanagan communities, and houses present many opportunities for the hungry and anxious little critters, primarily shelter and food. If you believe you have a rodent control problem, do not hesitate to call a wildlife control service in your area.
Reasons for Rodent Infestations
Mice are small and vulnerable animals. They are prey animals, meaning they serve as food for most of the animal kingdom. Mice in Canada must face snakes, owls, hawks, foxes, bobcats, and even domesticated animals.
All mice want is to survive and thrive, like any species. Your house or property may provide many benefits, causing them to reside with you. You need to understand the animals’ primary motivations to prevent this from happening.
1. Looking for Shelter
As prey animals, shelter is vital to mice. They need to locate an area that is warm, dry, and safe from predatory eyes. While many mice find shelter in tall grass, wood piles, or underground, others will find your garage, basement, or attic more than suitable for their needs.
To prevent mice from entering your home, seal all external entry points and keep your yard clean. Mice can squeeze into an opening the width of a pen, so keep that in mind when looking for cracks, holes, and poor seals.
However, you may want to hold off sealing entries if you suspect mice are already inside your home. Sealing the holes will essentially trap the mice in your walls and interior, leaving you to deal with the smell of decay from possibly hundreds of mice.
2. Looking for a Place To Raise Their Young
Mice reproduce rapidly. A mouse can have up to 10 litters of up to 12 pups per year. Two mice can be responsible for up to 120 offspring. Also, young mice reach sexual maturity within seven weeks, meaning a property can have numerous breeding pairs from a single pregnant female within two months of giving birth.
Like all species, mice want to protect their young, and as stipulated in point one, your house makes an ideal sanctuary. If you believe you have even one solitary mouse in your home, call a mice removal service.
3. Poor Sanitation
Poor sanitation can attract mice because it often means easy access to food and water. A messy house is like a buffet for hungry wildlife, so all wildlife control services encourage homeowners and property owners to keep their properties clean and maintained, including the interior.
4. Food Sources
Like all wildlife, mice need nourishment. If your house offers food regularly, mice will move in. Because mice are tiny creatures, they don’t require much, and, for the most part, they are not picky. A mouse can live off crumbs on the carpet or leftovers on dirty dishes. They will chew through pet food bags and cereal boxes to access food if they must.
To keep mice away, maintain a clean home. Vacuum regularly and store pet food and other dry goods in airtight containers. Also, invest in covered trash cans with tight-fitting lids.
Don’t forget to maintain your outdoor space as well. If you have bird feeders, clean up any loose seeds daily. It is best to sweep up the seed in the morning and evening. If possible, only put out feeders once or twice per day.
Reasons To Call Wildlife Control Services in Okanagan
If you suspect a mouse problem, you don’t want to wait to call professionals. Mice reproduce quickly and can cause significant harm to your home or property. Contact Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control and schedule a property inspection.