Winter Intrusions
Like human beings, each winter the members of the wildlife community take measures to ensure that they survive the weeks of freezing temperatures and scarce food. This usually leads many of them towards Scarborough homes where they find warmth, safety, and food. Most wildlife animals will move into the attic which is quite warm during the winter, but a few will occupy the space between the walls, the garage or basement.How Your Festivities May Attract Wildlife
The festivities of the Christmas season increase the likelihood of wildlife intrusion, especially if certain precautions are not taken. Christmas in Scarborough means lots of food and beautiful decorations, these two things can invite wildlife animals to come into the home. Decorations, especially those that are erected outside, can become homes for animals. If your decoration is natural (like a natural Christmas tree), you may end up offering wildlife animals a free ride into your home. The same can happen with wreaths that are placed on doors.Keeping Wildlife Away