Raccoons usually try to avoid humans, so having them on your property is not always a challenge. Unfortunately, the creatures sometimes enter homes in search of shelter, particularly pregnant females looking for a warm and safe place to give birth. Raccoons can be aggressive if they feel threatened, and they can also spread diseases through their droppings. It’s best for you to know how to keep raccoons away from your house to avoid any problems. You should always call a professional when you need raccoon control in Victoria.
When you need help shielding your home against a raccoon infestation, Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control is here to help. Our technicians can point out ways to deter raccoons, and we also provide raccoon removal if you already have a furry roommate.
1. Trim Trees Away From Your Roofline To Help With Raccoon Control In Victoria
Raccoons spend a lot of time in trees. They use intertwined branches as highways to move around your community without exposing themselves on the ground. One way the furry creatures access your roof is by taking advantage of low-hanging branches that scrap against your house.
Trimming away overgrown trees is an important task for maintaining your property, but it’s also a good way to keep raccoons off of your roof. Because raccoons are nocturnal and prefer to avoid interactions with humans, they tend to enter attics if they take up residence inside your home. Holes in your roof are ideal access points for raccoons, so keeping the creatures off your roof is the best way to keep them out of your house.
2. Avoid Leaving Food Out On Your Property
Raccoons are infamous scavengers that will eat nearly anything they find from chicken eggs and garden vegetables to food scraps from your garbage can. Once they find an easy food source, they tend to stay in the area. It’s important to deter raccoons from your property by properly securing all types of food.
Make sure your garbage cans have a tight-fitting lid with a latch. Raccoons can wriggle inside the cans if they don’t have a latch. Keeping all of your trash secured in trash bags inside the cans creates another barrier that makes it even harder for raccoons to dig out scraps of thrown-away food.
Pet food also attracts raccoons. If you have dogs or cats that live outdoors, you may be tempted to leave bowls of food and water out all day so they can eat or drink whenever they are hungry or thirsty. If you want to avoid leaving food out for raccoons to take advantage of, adopt a strict feeding schedule so your pets can eat without attracting wildlife.
3. Seal Holes in Your Home’s Exterior
Raccoons often enter homes by squeezing through small holes in the exterior. Even if you find small cracks that you think a raccoon could never get through, the unfortunate reality is that raccoons are notoriously dexterous and stubborn. They will claw at wood and siding to create holes big enough for them to fit through.
You can keep raccoons out of your house by sealing any crevices you find in the siding of your house. Replacing damaged siding and wood works well, but you can also use wire mesh or steel wool to cover holes and keep raccoons from entering your house.
Call a Professional for Help With Raccoon Control in Victoria
Keeping raccoons off your roof should be one of your top priorities if you want to prevent an infestation. Once the furry bandits take up residence, they are unwilling to leave if they can find an easy source of food. The professionals at Skedaddle Humane Wildlife Control can show you how to get rid of raccoons for good by making your home an unsuitable environment for them. Contact us today to schedule an appointment when you need raccoon control in Victoria.