Why Are Mice Attracted To Your Facility?
A mouse does not come into your building willy-nilly. The animal has likely determined the area to be safe with easy access to food and water. As with any wild animal, a mouse will only stay or enter somewhere that promises some advantage. When it comes to commercial buildings, the animals can likely find food and hydration easily. It is not uncommon for people to eat at their desks or on the go, dropping plenty of crumbs along the way. Mice are small and do not require a lot of food, making the perfect sustainable food source crumbs. Many old commercial buildings also have their fair share of water troubles, leading to minor and major leaks. A leaky faucet or plumbing provides plenty of water for a mouse to survive. Finally, the interior of a commercial building provides plenty of hiding spaces and protection against larger predators. A mouse does not need to worry about hawks, cats, owls, etc., inside your building. It also does not need to worry about severe weather or temperature shifts, making your facility much safer than the outdoors.Can You Keep Mice Out?

Why Are Mice Such a Problem, They’re Tiny?
Indeed, a single mouse is not much of a threat. Unfortunately, when you see a mouse, it typically only represents a small percentage of the whole. Mice reproduce quickly, and they tend to go unnoticed until you have a full-blown infestation. The little rodents are notorious chewers. Because they need to file down their teeth, mice chew on everything, including electrical wires. Many commercial fires stem from a short-circuit related to a mouse infestation.How Can You Prevent an Infestation?
No business wants the challenge of a mouse infestation. Therefore, you can take several steps to prevent any future problems:- Don’s eat at your desk
- Empty garbage cans daily
- Keep food in plastic containers
- Clean up and vacuum daily